Clash of Clans: Town Hall Level 8

As you know by now each TH level has a different base that should accompany it. In this post, I will show you some of the worst TH lvl 8 setups and some of the best (in my opinion). Let me know what you think in the comments section!

Here are a few of the absolute worst town hall level 8 bases I have ever seen… it really makes me wonder what they were thinking.

Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 8 Base

There are so many things wrong with this base, I don’t even know where to begin. Okay, here goes… first of all, if someone is farming, then they may have all of their resources in a 4 layer deep wall, but this person’s Town Hall is on the inside of the walls. Since his TH is on the inside, that means he is not farming. He also has his gold and dark elixir storage on the outside of his walls, so he is not trying to protect resources.  And, since he does have his TH on the inside of his walls, that leads you to believe that he is trying to protect his trophy count. This would be extremely easy to get one star on. All you would need to do is implement GlitterPony’s Attack Strategy, especially since none of the defenses are behind walls. If you own this base, please comment and let me know what the heck you were thinking. Thanks 😉

Horrible Base Number Two:
TH lvl 8 bad

This base  is protecting the army camps much too much. He is hardly protecting his elixir or gold. It makes me wonder how he got level 5 & 6 walls, because I guarantee that is the first thing that gets stolen. I smell gems! He may think that your troops all die if you camp is destroyed. Rest assured, that is not the case anymore. I have tested this theory! Your troops are safe to fight another day!

Here are some examples of good bases for Town Hall Level 8

Town Hall Level 8 strategy

This is a pretty good TH lvl 8 setup. The only thing that really concerns me with this base is the placement of the clan castle, but since this player isn’t in a clan anyway, it really doesn’t matter where they place it. For a player that is in an active clan, be sure to centralize your castle and protect it somehow. If a clan castle is destroyed during a raid, all of your troops will be trapped in side and will not be able to help you. This base does a good job of protecting it’s borders, but not much of the inside. Let’s hope that the enemy is dead before it even would reach the center! This one just barely fits into the “good” category.

Town Hall level 8 strategy

This base is good. It defends the borders and has a pretty decent splash area. The only thing I would suggest is spreading out the spiking a bit more and adding them to all sides of the base… and bringing in the research closer to the rest of the base. Spreading out your buildings like that is only good when you are of a lower level and want to make sure someone doesn’t get 3 stars. Spreading them out when you get higher up is just basically giving away buildings, so your enemy can get to 1 star that much easier.

Town Hall level 8 strategy

I like this setup. It uses traps efficiently and he is building up his strongest walls on the weakest part of the base. It looks pretty solid. Once the walls are done, I think it would work well. The teslas and wizard towers are placed well and the town hall/resources are in the most secure spot in the setup. All in all, I like it. Try this one out of you are having problems with winning while you are not on.

Town Hall level 8 strategy

This is my favorite base, but I suggest staying below 1800 trophies with it. Once you get past 1800, it is pretty hard to defend. I am partial to traps and really like the way the tesla is hiding where people would likely enter. Then the two teslas by the TH would protect that well. Everything is grouped together pretty well, so nothing would be given away for free, making it harder to get any stars. Try it out and let me know what you think.

Clash of Clans: Town Hall Level 4

The very beginning stages of CoC is not as easy as it looks. You have to protect your gold and elixir with pretty much no defenses.  I would really not worry about your town hall in the beginning, you don’t need to protect it. If you are at TH level 4, TH really should be the last of your worries. In order to progress you will need gold and elixir, so keep those safe.

Here is a really good set up for TH level 4. In this setup, they protect their gold and elixir, but leave the unimportant stuff alone. Down the line these items will become important, but not at the beginning. If you have any questions at all about starting out, leave a comment on this post and I will help you.

TH Lvl 4 example

Clash of Clans: Hidden Tesla (or unhidden)


The hidden tesla is a very neat defense item. It is essentially hidden from attackers until their troops get too close, then they get zapped with electricity.

The CoC load page says this about the hidden tesla “Lay a deadly trap with the Hidden Tesla! Our Wizards have trapped a storm cloud into each of these sneaky towers. When an enemy walks or flies close enough, the tower springs up and fries it using the power of Electrickery!”

While the Tesla is a great defense item, it needs to be placed properly. I can’t tell you how many times I see the tesla set up incorrectly in many various bases. Here is the thing, the tesla is supposed to be hidden. You don’t want your enemy to know where it is, that is where it’s power lies. If you know where the tesla is, you can send in 15 level 5 archers and take it out. You might be asking yourself, how can you tell if it’s placed incorrectly? Well, you know those squares that you click on to deploy your troops, but the troops won’t deploy there? Those are teslas. This happens when the player leaves a 3×3 square where the tesla is placed. The tesla only needs a 2×2 square and when given any more space than this, it shows up as an empty square.

Here is an example of an incorrectly placed tesla:
Bad Tesla copy

Now that you know what to watch out for, keep an eye our for these unhidden teslas during your next battle.

Clash of Clans: Builder’s Huts

Builder’s huts are one of the most important buildings in CoC. These huts house your builders. The builders are the little men with hammers that run around upgrading your buildings, resources, and defense.


In the beginning of the game (see beginner’s guide), you will receive one builder, then during the tutorial, you will be prompted to spend 250 gems on a second builder. While I don’t think you should use gems in the beginning to upgrade, I do think you should spend the 250 gems for the second builder. Two builders are necessary and anything less would be silly. As soon as you can, try to get more builders. You will want to spend gems on gold, elixir, and speeding up your builders, but wait and buy a third builder, then a fourth!

You can get gems to buy builders by completing achievements, removing debris from your base, and, of course, buying them. The easiest way to get gems without spending money is to remove the trunks, trees, mushrooms, stones, etc from your playing field. You will find one, two, or three gems in various items you remove. These items regenerate, so once you remove them, they will come back. Keep removing them to get gems and experience points.

The best achievement for you to get is getting to 1250 trophies. Once you get 1250 trophies, you will get 450 gems. Since the third builder only costs 500 gems, between this achievement and removing debris, you will definitely have enough for a 3rd builder.

If you do plan on spending any money in CoC, consider spending it on builders. I have spent a small amount in the game. I bought a 4th and a 5th builder. Since upgrade times take so long when you get higher up in level, a 5th builder really makes a difference.

Builder Pricing:
1st hut: Free
2nd hut: 250 Gems
3rd hut: 500 Gems
4th hut: 1000 Gems
5th hut: 2000 Gems

What to do with all of your builders?!

This is a good problem to have. Make sure you are strategically upgrading your base. Never have all 5 builders working on defense (unless you have bought a shield). This will leave your base open to attack, you will likely lose many trophies and a lot of resources. I suggest using two builders for defense, one for gold/elixir, one for army camps/barracks/storages, and keep one doing smaller upgrades so it is readily available to update your walls and remove debris.